Proj StMuni SFPublic Hero

San Francisco Public Safety Building

Bringing together a community of services


State & Municipal


San Francisco, California




Spanning 300,000 square feet, the San Francisco Public Safety Building was designed to enable public safety leadership to collaborate and respond quickly in the event of a natural disaster. The facility is essential for the city, as it houses the police station for the Southern District, San Francisco police administrative headquarters, as well as a fire station and multi-use public space for the growing Mission Bay community.

The design-bid-build project was funded by the Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond, which was voted on by the public in 2010. Southland complied with requirements of the City of San Francisco to achieve:

  • 20 percent local hiring

  • 20 percent total contract value contracted to Local Business Enterprises

Our Approach

Southland was the driving force behind schedule progression to ensure the completion of installation milestones during the project. In order to meet the project goals, we engaged with other subcontractors through weekly on-site meetings and provided clear feedback.

Southland's scope of work included wet and dry HVAC systems, chillers, cooling towers, boilers, air handling units, and fan coil units. The HVAC system design included chilled beam cooling with a variable air volume reheating system. Within the fire station, the design included radiant floor heating with a variable air volume cooling system.

The project team relied heavily on prefabrication to provide a safe work environment, and timely installation of equipment.


Having met the goals and schedule laid out in the beginning of the project, Southland helped the facility achieve LEED Gold certification through the use of energy-saving elements, including rainwater collection for irrigation and active chilled beams.


  • Successful Partnerships

    Owner: City of San Francisco
    GC: Pankow Builders
    Architect: HOK

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